
更新时间:2019-09-03 来源:工程论文 点击:




  1. 地理环境的因素造成水资源的分配与运用困难度。
  2. 水利机关行政组织的权责重叠和无法事权统一的管理。
  3. 水资源问题在政府关系的权力运作上充满冲突和协调的困难。
  4. 政府组织再造的理论检视。


  1. 现在的水利行政系统不能完全适合于特殊的地理环境。
  2. 水资源行政机关组织事权未能有效统一。
  3. 中央和地方政府尚未建立水资源管理的府际关系运作机制。
  1. 水资源行政组织体系的有效整合是解决问题的根本之道。组织重组应考量整体性的事权统合。
  4. 水资源组织应建立永续利用的经营管理系统,河川应以水系和区域性的整体考量,水资源防灾体系和官方研究单位的建立刻不容缓。

  The Integration of Water Resource Agencies:A Perspective of Re.organization
  Abstract:The serious dry spell this year in Taiwan seems to have brought about intergovernmental conflicts and debates between the central government and the local governments, revealing a series of critical problems on water supply and demand. The main cause for it could be the disorder of water authorities in organization system.
  For future requirement of socio.economic development in harmony with natural environment and in face of global climate change, it seems necessary to consider the water authorities reorganization to reach the goals to reasonable water use and water resources sustainability from the point of environment protection view.
  The major topics in this paper are focused on four parts:
  1、 The geographical and hydrological characteristics in Taiwan bearing high complexity of water resources allocation.
  2、 The overlapped water authorities hindering the unification of administrative functions.
  3、 Intergovernmental coordination on solving water problems appearing functional conflicts and difficulties.
  4、 A comprehensive review on government reengineering theory.
  It was worldwide found that not only in Taiwan but also in many advanced countries exist such facts as intergovernmental disorder、functional confusion、administrative disability in water authorities .Since recent 30 years, the government reengineering and administrative reform to meet the need of people and government has been a global trend and gradually accepted in process of water authorities integration. Meanwhile, we also expect that our current government reform could learn the experiences in aspect of planning a reasonable water authority no matter what it may take from federal government system or from unitary government system as our policy orientation.
  Nowadays, the government reform works are under their way by Executive Yuan. In March 28, 2002, according to the Yuan's approval, the Ministry of Economic Affairs reorganized some of its water authorities as the Water Resources Agency, MOEA for the authority unification. Furthermore, in consideration of the water right unification, the government reform committee has also reached highly consensus to establish an agency so called “Ministry of Environment &Natural Resources Affairs”.
  This paper is also aimed to review the past plan efforts of the water authorities reorganization schemes between local and central government and bring about some comments and suggestions.www.xielwb.com/ntsllw/87576.html.
  From researches in functional reorganization on water authorities it is found that:
  1、 The current water administration system is not fully fit for the unique geographical and hydrological characteristics in Taiwan.
  2、 The authorities integration in water administration still need more enhancement.
  3、 The intergovernmental relation between local and central government seems in need of more reasonable working mechanism for water authorities.
  Policy suggestions part:
  1、 An effective way of unified authorities integration on current water administration system in the reform process could be the right answer for solving chaotic water problems
  2、 The limited capability of the highest water authority setting under the Ministry of Economic Affairs is still questionable on water right unification. On the other hand, the government reengineering work on water authority should take environmental and ecological conservation into consideration. Therefore, it might be adequate to set up an agency called ”Ministry of Environment &Natural Resources Affairs''.
  3、 Intergovernmental relation in water administration should be emphasized on spirit of decentralization, and non.official community participation could be allowed in planning of water resources development and conservation.
  The Water authorities should build their operation and management system in sustainable manner on reasonable water use. The river administration system should take the whole river basin as one basic unit and their water resources be regionally integrated. An effective Water disaster preparedness system should be enhanced and official research agencies be built with no delay.
  第一章、 绪论
  第一节、 研究动机与目的
  第二节、 问题的提出
  第三节、 国内相关文献探讨
  第四节、 研究架构与范围
  第五节、 研究方法与限制
  第二章、 组织重组的学理探讨
  第一节、 组织惯性与政府失灵
  第二节、 政府再造与组织重组
  第三节、 组织重组的系织观点
  第三章、 我国水利部门组织重组的背景分析
  第一节、 精省以前水利机关的组织沿革
  第二节、 精省时期水利机关的组织变革
  第三节、 当前水利部门的组织现况
  第四节、 水利部门的行政失灵
  第四章、 世界各国水利行政机关组织的探讨
  第一节、 各国河川现况与制度的比较
  第二节、 联邦制国家水利部门组织
  第三节、 单一制国家水利部门组织
  第四节、 各国水利部门的比较与启示
  第五章、 我国水利部门功能组织重组的方案评估
  第一节、 中央水利部门的组织重组方案
  第二节、 地方区域性水利部门的组织重组方案
  第六章、 结论
  第一节、 研究发现
  第二节、 政策建议

