
更新时间:2019-09-03 来源:计算机网络论文 点击:


摘要:由于 PC 的普及与网路时代的来临,越来越多的软体系统采用分散式物件环境来建构。使用分散式物件导向与主从架构等技术所建构的分散式物件导向系统,具有开放式、模组化、具弹性、与易维修等优点;而其组成元件可视为是一群相互搭配合作的物件导向应用服务程式。因此,分散式物件导向系统可以有效地解决需要大量运算能力的复杂问题,并增加系统使用的弹性。但由于软体开发过程後期,软体测试及除错通常都需耗费甚多资源成本,且一般的分散式系统架构其开放式环境更造成测试变因增多。因此,在本论文中,将针对分散式物件导向系统的架构,利用其软体开发过程所使用的物件导向软体开发程序与工具,提出可适用于该架构的测试机制。本软体测试机制具有泛用性,小至各个元件或模组,大至整个分散式物件导向系统,只要它们都是以类别图 (Class Diagrams) 及循序图 (Sequence Diagrams) 的方式来表达该系统的功能与运作,都能运用本测试机制来进行测试计画。利用此机制,可达到提高软体开发效率与降低开发成本的目的。透过本论文的研究成果,可将软体开发流程与测试规划合并考量,并降低测试成本并提升整体开发效率;且可大幅降低软体上线後因维护及升级等因素所造成的风险与成本。
  Development of a Software Test Mechanism for Distributed Object-Oriented Systems
  Abstract:With the popularity of PC and the coming of Internet era, more and more software systems are constructed under distributed object-oriented environment. Software systems constructed with object-oriented techniques and client-server architecture not only have the advantages of accessibility, modularization, flexibility and easy maintenance, but also their components can be viewed as a group of cooperative object-oriented applications. Hence, distributed object-oriented technology can enhance the application of software systems with flexibility and efficiently solve the problems that need complicated computing. However, testing and debugging in the later stage of software development demand great deal of resources, and open-environment architecture of general distributed systems tends to increase the complexity of testing. To resolve the problems mentioned above, this work presents a software testing mechanism that is applicable to the architecture of distributed object-oriented systems by employing the procedures and tools used during software development. This software testing mechanism is generic. It is adaptable to an individual component or module and even the whole distributed object-oriented systems,as long as the functions and operations of the systems can be presented with only class diagram and sequence diagrams. Research results of this work indicate that this testing mechanism enables an integrated planning of software development and testing, reduces testing cost, and improves overall development efficiency.www.xielwb.com/jsjwllw/87578.html.
  第一章 绪论
  1.1 绪论
  1.2 应用实例
  1.3 论文结构
  第二章 理论基础
  2.1 软体测试(Software Testing)
  2.2 分散式物件(Distributed Objects)
  2.3 UML
  2.4 物件导向系统发展程序(Object-Oriented Development Process)
  第三章 供分散式物件导向系统使用的泛用型测试器
  3.1 泛用型测试器的发展程序
  3.2 泛用型测试器的基本需求
  3.3 泛用型测试器所具有的机制及需求分析
  3.3.1 使用者案例叙述
  3.3.2 Use Case 1:Input UML Diagrams
  3.3.3 Use Case 2:Specify Reference Input/Output Data
  3.3.4 Use Case 3:Generate Test-Plan Execution Codes
  3.3.5 Use Case 4:Analyze Results
  3.4 物件导向分析
  3.4.1 Use Case 1:Input UML Diagram
  3.4.2 Use Case 2:Specify Reference I/O Data
  3.4.3 Use Case 3:Generate Test-Plan Execution Codes
  3.4.4 Use Case 4:Analyze Result
  3.4.5 Class Diagram of the Generic Tester (OOA)
  3.5 物件导向设计
  3.5.1 Use Case 1:Input UML Diagram
  3.5.2 Use Case 2:Specify Reference I/O Data
  3.5.3 Use Case 3:Generate Test-Plan Execution Codes
  3.5.4 Use Case 4:Analyze Result
  3.5.5 Class Diagram of the Generic Tester (OOD)
  第四章 实例应用
  4.1 实例说明
  4.2 实例应用- Input UML Diagrams
  4.3 实例应用- Specify Reference Input/Output Data
  4.4 实例应用- Generate Test-Plan Execution Codes
  4.5 实例应用- Analyze Results
  第五章 实作与测试
  5.1 软体实作
  5.2 实例应用
  5.2.1 单元测试
  5.2.2 系统测试
  5.2.3 性能测试
  第六章 泛用型测试器涵盖率的讨论
  6.1 泛用型测试器的测试效率
  6.2 泛用型测试器对各种测试的支援
  6.2.1 单元测试与系统测试
  6.2.2 性能测试
  6.2.3 使用者介面测试
  第七章 总结
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