
更新时间:2020-06-19 来源:硕士论文 点击:



摘 要










  The existence of life imprisonment has its positive value and significance. However in China we do not have life im prisonment legislation, our national are fuzzy about the definition, nature and value of life imprisonment. even I do not know, but most are in the theoretical circles around the reprieve system perfect or death penalty alternative in the context of referring to life im prisonment, which is studied less. When life imprisonment was adopted into China' s criminal law, it opened anewworldfor thedevelopm ent ofcriminal law. However, the introduction of any new law will not be accepted immediately,and its functions will no t be imm ediate obvious. It will take a step-by -step process.

  Therefore, the author intends to discuss and analyze the institution of life imprisonment fromfour parts, so as to make people understandand know the rules of life imprisonment.

  The first part is an overview of life imprisonment. First of all, introduce the concept of it. Mainly clarify the expression of the term as well as the explanation of the concept of life imprisonment from some countries.. Sec ondly, introducethecurrentsituationof legislation in the oversea countries, that is Britain, the United S tates, France's and Germany emergence and developm ent process of life im prisonment; Thirdly,classification, pointed out that the type of China's "criminal law" the add ition of life imprisonmentis not the commutationand parole of life imprisonment.

  The second part expounds the legislative background and rationality of the addition of life imprisonment in China. First of all, the legislative background of China's addition of life imprisonment, mainly from the world to the legislative trend ofabolishingdeath penalty, criminal law anti- corruption policy req uirements, chaos in the execution of punishment, the international j udicial cooperation needs these four aspects; secondly, in view of our additional life imprisonment the rationality of the analysis, points out that the lifelong the positiv e value and signif icance in prison for the crim e of bribery and corruption.

  The third part studies on the thoery of the additional life imprisonment in the crime of corruption and bribery in China. Mainly from the legislative level, judicial level, the system of punishment, communication and punishment of these four aspects to expound of life imprisonment.

  The fourth part is the further im provement andsuggestionsofourcountry' s life imprisonment. In view of the lifelong imprisonment of corruption and bribery crimes, the existing provisions need to be refined and life imprisonment, in the future development of the two aspects of the recomm endations are discussed, and put forward m easures to improve and give reasonable recommendations.

  Key words:Death Penalty; Life Im prisonment; Punishment; Kinds of Punishm ent; Corruption and Bribes

目 录

  引 言
  一、 终身监禁概述
  二、 我国增设终身监禁的立法背景与合理性分析
  三、 我国贪污受贿犯罪中增设终身监禁的理论探析
  四、 我国终身监禁的进一步完善及建议
  结 语
  致 谢

引 言

  2015 年 8 月 29 日第十二届全国人大常委会第十六次会议通过了《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(九)》终身监禁一词出现在人们的视野里,2016 年 10 月9 日,白恩培成为我国被终身监禁第一人,随后魏鹏远、于铁义相继因受贿被判处死缓并终身监禁。在人们还没有完全认识和了解终身监禁的全貌时,终身监禁被视为反腐利器出现在刑法当中,溯及既往适用到具体案件中,以不得减刑、假释的刑罚执行方式惩处犯罪分子。所以,很有必要研究一下终身监禁的相关规定,探析一下其理论价值和意义,并对其存在的问题进行分析和反思,以提出可行性的建议或举措。
